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About us

What is ErosHost

ErosHost is the First Bangladeshi Only Cloud Hosting Provider that focuses entirely on Cloud Computing Solutions. Being A Sister Concern of One Of The Most popular Households names Websea, ErosHost is here to continue the legacy of Websea and make it compatible with the next generation of the internet and beyond.

Who are We?

If You are a Professional and regular in the Bangladeshi online community, there is a 99% chance you already know at least one of us or use one of our services. From, and to Modern day Tech Solutions and IT. We are industry veterans gathering together to jump into the next big things like IoT, web3, and who knows what.

How did ErosHost start?

So, we had this idea for around more than 2 years now, but deploying something entirely new is kind of hard and we had to test and play with the next generations of hardware. Like PCI4 compatible NVMe SSDs or DDR5 rams, a new generation comes with new challenges. And there is also the business side of things if you know what I meant.

So, we started to rebuild the present-day internet way of Bangladesh, make websites faster, and push it to the limit of technology that will allow us.

A Faster, hassle-free website will surely make life easy for Developers, designers, or even visitors. That’s what I’d want and I think everyone will. That’s where we come in, providing the absolute best, the highest possible performance, and keep upgrading with each new tech. I understand new tech could be hard to adapt and expensive, but We are specialized in Problem Solving. That’s what Most of Our team members do for a living.

Company vision:

  1. Making Cloud Computing Accessible to the Mass, With Easy to Use Interface and control Panels.
  2. Slowly but steadily Grow our Consumer base and ultimately expand our customer base to the international community.
  3. Pushing The Next generation of Technologies like IoT, WEB3, and whatever comes next to a third-world country like ours is hard, but someone has to do it, so WE WILL.
  4. Ultimately, Conquer the Local market and become a household name.